"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." -Aristotle

Mrs. Kittrell received her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Masters of Science in Physiology from North Carolina State University. She is originally from the foothills of NC, and has resided in Gates County for over 30 years. She also brings real world skills in the areas of research, farming and crop scouting.
This site is designed to assist the students in their preparation for class as well as inform and include parents in the day to day happenings of my classes. Information on each specific class can be found under that tab. General information can be found on this page. I hope to include photographs of the students during class activities so that you can see the learning experience in real time.
I am here to assist each student discover his or her full potential as they prepare for a successful future both inside AND outside of the classroom. Please, feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns.
E-mail: kittrellrs@gatescountyschools.net
GCHS: 252-357-0720 Planning: Fall - 9:54am to 10:54am Spring - 8:10 to 9:10 Normal Daily Schedule
Twitter: @KittrellScience
General Class Rules:
1. Be respectful.
2. Have a positive attitude.
3. No food in class. [You may have water in a sealed container in the classroom area only.]
Required Supplies:
1. Three-Ring Binder
2. Notebook paper
3. Pencils, Pens, and Highlighter
4. Dividers for 3-ring binder
5. Colored pencils [No markers.]
6. Glue sticks
7. Inexpensive ear buds/head phones for chrome book use
"It is our choices, that show what we really are,
far more than our abilities." -Albus Dumbledoor to Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets |