Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. ~Les Brown
This site will allow parents to access their student's grades. Grades are updated weekly on Monday evenings. Please contact Mr. Rinaldo Windham at GCHS [252-357-0720] if you do not have a user ID and password or if you need assistance accessing this site.
Link to Canvas instruction. Access to ALL of your online class materials.
This is a wonderful tutorial --Math, Science, History, English and more.
Search by subject or a specific skill with which you need assistance. |
This is the free online citation tool that Mrs. Simons recommends. If you have questions see Mrs. Simons!
To ask questions about slides.
Your science experience biography.
To Identify snakes you may see. [Student requested site!] |
To receive reminders about class assignments and due dates . . .
Biology EOC Study Help.
Study Aids
VirusesMitosis & Meiosis
Mutations Links below are to online interactives.
Punnett Squares
Karyotype & Diagnosis Interactive Assignment
For each patient of activity above, answer the following: Male/Female, Location of chromosomal problem, type of problem, diploid # chromosomes for patient, & diagnosis.
Hardy Weinberg
Cellular Respiration & Fermentation
password to quizlet is psn&cr
Frog Dissection Interactive
Bacteria, Virus, Protist
Ecology & Behavior |